While watermelon may have originated in Egypt over 5,000 years ago it is now happily at home here in the USA where around 300 different varieties exist. It is in the botanical family Curcurbitaceae and is cousins to cucumbers, pumpkins and squash, which makes sense if you think about how these grow. What you may not know is that the rind is completely edible and contains a lot of added nutrients. However, even without the rind the watermelon is very nutritious containing amino acids and antioxidants not to mention how hydrating it is on a hot summer day.
How to choose a ripe one:
- Look for a pale, buttery-yellow spot (not white or green) on the bottom.
- Should be heavy for its size
- Smooth rind with a dull top (the top is the side opposite the ground spot)
- The thump test (this is controversial, but ripe watermelon is said to have a hollow bass sound)
Goes well together:
- watermelon + fennel + lemon juice + parsley + salt
- watermelon + feta cheese + red onion
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