June 09, 2015

Mary and Joe Rogers

stoneybraeMary and Joe Rogers of Stoneybrae Farm have only been coming to the Lynchburg Community Market since last year but their commitment to growing good food goes way back. Joe grew up on a farm and has been farming for the majority of his life, while Mary started when they began farming together back in 2004. Today on their farm in Amherst County they continue to grow good food so that they and their customers can have the best food possible. In 2004 they had started with just growing dahlias but one of their sons, while attempting to dig up a particularly troublesome tuber, raised the question, “Why exactly are we doing this?” And Mary admits it was a pretty good question considering they were neither eating nor selling these dahlias, so they branched out into vegetables.

While they still grow some dahlias on their farm their main focus is growing anything that you “can put in a salad.” In addition, they also sell the plants so you can start up your own garden. Growing the best food possible isn’t easy and they are happy to announce that they just recently got certified as a CNG (Certified Naturally Grown) Farm, the first in Amherst AND the first at the market.

When Mary and Joe aren’t farming they like to go canoeing, hiking, biking, and camping (yes, as if gardening isn’t enough) with some of their favorite spots being James River State Park, Crabtree Falls, and Matt’s Creek. If you haven’t already, head on over to their booth! Ask them about their growing techniques, their favorite dahlias, what they put in their salads, and even where they like to go hiking. They are a great farming duo and would love to get to know you!

Snippet: “We started farming and growing our own food because we wanted to have the best food possible.


Hashtag your images on Instagram next time you are taking photo’s of our fresh fruits and vegetables from the Market!