Shelley Blades and Chris Gaumer
This duo has had a hard time staying away from Lynchburg. They first came here for college and have moved away twice in the past ten years but now they are back to stay! And Lynchburg is happy to have them back. One of their favorite things is coming to the market early on Saturday morning, gathering some great local finds and heading home to make breakfast. Hopefully you enjoy their reasons for eating local as much as I do:
What do you like best about coming to the market?
The three Ds of Triple D Farm, of course. And pumpkins. And cheese. And buying a lil’ container of baby tomatoes and eating them before we get home.
Why do you choose to eat local food?
Eating local is practical because we like our food to have the most flavor possible. Yes, eating local is something of a moral and ethical issue, but all platforms aside, it just tastes better.
What’s your favorite fruit and vegetable? And why?
Fruit. Hmm. Tough one. We like anything that we can also freeze and/or drop into granola. Raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries fall into this category. Also, TOMATOES!! (but, we don’t put them in our granola. because…ew! Unless you’re into that… then it’s not gross!)
Vegetable: Let’s just go with what we eat most: Sweet Potatoes. Last night we stuffed baked sweet potatoes with kale, goat cheese, and pea shoots and topped it with a fried egg! (all purchased at the market! HUZZAH!)
What are you going to make this week with your local produce?
Butternut apple soup with roasted okra. Jealous?!